Motivation for weight loss: 30 tricks that will help you lose weight if you do not have the willpower

To lose weight effectively and permanently, you need to consider two components - proper nutrition and sufficient physical activity. These two methods improve health and shape. But the transition to a healthy lifestyle is often difficult, because it turns out that old habits and laziness are stronger than the desire to be healthy and slim. Therefore, if there is no willpower, a woman or girl needs strong motivation.

Motivational techniques

At the very beginning, you need to determine the real reason for the desire to lose weight. Dreams of a slim figure for the season on the beach are often not a sufficient incentive to lose weight.

The right motivation will strengthen the desire to work on your figure and improve. The best examples of motivation are described below.

Change yourself and your life

The changes concern not only the appearance, but also the mental state of the person.

Stress and dissatisfaction with one's own life are reduced after physical exertion.

By rethinking your diet and becoming more physically active you can change your life for the better.

Establish yourself in your appearance

All women have different physiques, but the standards of fashion and beauty set the parameters of a certain common ideal.

The desire for a beautiful figure and the lack of confidence in their appearance can be used as a motivation to lose weight.

Nurture willpower

For some women, the challenge is, "Can you lose weight? "Enough to start working actively on yourself. When the goal is achieved, pride emerges - I could!The reluctance to be disappointed in your abilities is a big incentive.

But at the same time you have to be prepared for the fact that one emotional decision will not transform the figure. Therefore, you should initially adjust to regular exercise and go on a diet.

Set realistic goals

Motivation must be realistic and achievable. . . The sudden transition to the new regime is stressful for the body, so the changes should be introduced gradually, carefully monitoring your reaction. The desire to lose 8-10 kg in 2 weeks is quite difficult to realize. After the allotted time, the result will not be noticeable and the remnants of the motif will disappear.

It is important not to rush and set achievable goals. For example, if you reduce your diet by 500 kcal per day, up to 500 grams of extra pounds will disappear in a week.

Make a weight loss plan

A clear plan written on paper can save you time and effort, as well as great motivation. This must include training and an approximate diet.

To create an effective weight loss plan, it is recommended:

  • Set deadlines.By adhering to a diet and exercise, you can lose up to 1-1, 5 kg per week. So you shouldn’t plan to lose 15 pounds in a month.
  • Divide the number of meals.Even if we spend most of the day at work, it is quite possible to eat 4-5 times a day.
  • Think about a meal plan.To do this, you need to put together a menu for a week and then adjust it if necessary. Through this you can save money on promotion.
  • Develop a training plan.Without exercise you will not be able to move your weight.

Keep a blog about exercises

All progress notes on the image allow you to see the results and, if necessary, make changes.

To calculate the calories eaten and the number of exercises performed, it is recommended to create a separate notebook or blog on the Internet, which will be seen by friends and acquaintances.

This will be a new impetus. That said, it’s important to be honest with yourself and point out missed workouts and excess calories eaten.

Consider a system of punishments and rewards

Adherence to a proper diet and exercise regimen will need to be stimulated on a daily basis. Otherwise, there is a chance that you will not last in this mode for even a week.To perform all the imagined tasks, it is recommended to compile a table in which points will be given for the performed actions.To adhere to the daily plan (reduction of calories eaten, increase of sets of performed exercises) 10 points are awarded. You should get 70 points in a week, which means receiving a promotion, otherwise a penalty follows.

Such a system is the kind of game that is a good incentive. The main thing is to find effective rewards and penalties.

The following can act as an incentive:

  • buying things (clothes or jewelry);
  • going to a restaurant with a friend;
  • a visit to a beauty salon or cinema.

For each "real" day spent, you can put a certain amount of money in a piggy bank and then spend it on yourself.

Promotion in the form of sweets is not the right method. It is allowed to use it at most once in 2-3 weeks.

Punishment options:

  • arrange additional training;
  • does not buy anything for a certain amount of time;
  • give some of the money to relatives and friends;
  • apartment cleaning.

You can add extra points for each "extra" approach to any exercise. This effective method will be an effective stimulus to increase the load. Comparing weekly achievements will clearly show the results of working on yourself.

Put old photos and favorite clothes in prominent places

Old photos of slender figures or favorite clothes that are a few sizes smaller than the current one are a pretty strong motivation. It will instill confidence that it is possible to lose weight, because the figure used to be much slimmer. If you don't have one or the other, you can buy any clothes you really like, but for 1-2 sizes smaller. It will be an incentive and a reward for the work done.

Tell others about your plans

Losing weight is difficult both physically and psychologically. Therefore, once you have told your loved ones about your intentions, you can count on their support. They will be interested in achievements and point out dietary deficiencies.

Maybe someone wants to join, and the weight loss process will become more enjoyable.

Think and act positively

The weight loss process should be accompanied by positive thoughts. Before you start losing weight, you need to change your overall attitude.Stress negatively affects the adequacy of the perception of your figure and appearance. Therefore, it is recommended that you calm down, assess all your shortcomings without panic and form an action plan.

A positive attitude allows you to believe in yourself and bring things to an end. To maintain this state, it is recommended to practice meditation in order to find attractive sides in yourself.

Keeping the right pace

To lose weight successfully, you need to choose the right pace.The secret is in the fact that you have to listen to your body and not overload it.This applies to both exercise and diet. A sudden transition to intense training or an unusual diet is stressful for the body. The decision to run 10 km from Monday is not correct. Even if a woman can overcome such an obstacle, it will be difficult for her to get out of bed the next day.

It is recommended to do the same amount of exercise for 1-2 weeks, and then gradually increase the load.

Enjoy exercising

After training, adrenaline and dopamine are released, which improves mood.

Even a little exercise gives you a good mood, so sports can be used as a safe antidepressant.

Choose high-quality sports equipment and beautiful clothes

Modern equipment and beautiful sports uniforms contribute to sports activities.

Fashionable shorts or leggings, new comfortable sneakers, various devices (pedometer, heart rate monitor) will increase the desire to exercise.

Don’t deprive yourself of your favorite foods

Eating right does not mean eating only vegetables and dry chicken breast. All the necessary nutrients, as well as fats, must be delivered to the body daily. You can not abruptly give up the usual food - it negatively affects the physical and emotional state and can eventually lead to breakdown.

If it is difficult to choose a diet on your own, it is recommended to consult an expert. It will help you calculate the required amount of calories, vitamins and minerals, including a few favorite but not very healthy foods in the diet so that they do not break down (if they include chips and high-calorie sweets, you still have to give them up).

If you constantly want to eat, you can snack on nuts or dried fruits.

Have a positive attitude towards food

Dietary meals should be pleasant, at the same time satisfying all the needs of the body.It’s not recommended to say, "I’m on a diet, I can’t. " It’s more correct to say, "I choose other foods. "

There are many healthy foods in the world. You just need to find new recipes and experiment, respecting the required number of calories.

Make a weekly photo report

Photos visualize the results. It is recommended that you take pictures in the same position on the same day of the week. A signature with weight and other parameters (waist and hips) is an added incentive. Such photos can be posted on the Internet to gain the support of friends.

Photo report on weight loss results for motivation

Develop new healthy habits

A healthy lifestyle should become a daily habit. To develop it, it is recommended to dive into this topic, learn new information, experiment with food (try vegetarianism or include a new healthy product in your diet).

To diversify your workouts, you can sign up for sports dances or at the pool.

Don't give up

It must be remembered that stopping pounds happens to everyone. The main thing is to keep training, to try.

In moments of despair, you must remember the results achieved: this will help you force yourself to go further.

Keep track of achievements

You can write down all your achievements on a blog or regular notebook.

These can change parameters or new sports victories: for example, if you managed to run 2 km not in 16 minutes, but in 14 minutes or if you eat less than planned calories.

Get rid of big items

Farewell to old things is the strongest motivation to continue exercising and eating well.Large items can be donated, donated to charity or simply thrown away.

Psychologist's advice: buy a beautiful dress one size smaller and try to lose weight in order to wear it.

Visualize your new image

To encourage yourself to perform the necessary actions at home, it is recommended to visualize yourself as you want to be.

You often need to imagine yourself leaner and more graceful, and also think about how beneficial weight loss will affect your quality of life.

Make a list of merits

Before starting the weight loss process, it is recommended to determine the benefits of a slim figure. All the positive aspects of the lives of slender people should be written down on a piece of paper and put in the refrigerator.

Whenever you get a bite, it is recommended that you read this list: it will help discourage you from eating.

Change the image

Psychologist's advice: visit a beauty salon, change your hair color or hairstyle, do a manicure or pedicure.

Such reincarnation strengthens the impetus for change.

Communicate with like-minded people

If someone you know wants to lose weight, two will do it easier. It is possible to share achievements and support each other during periods of lack of results.

If there are no such people in the immediate environment, they can always be found on the Internet, on special forums.

Find a motivational slogan

It is recommended that you choose quotes that increase your motivation to progress. Stimuli can be recorded, put on a screensaver on your phone or computer.

Minimize stress

Stressful situations should be avoided because increased adrenaline production increases appetite.It is necessary to surround yourself with the positive - watch comedies, various funny programs. Walking in the fresh air also has a positive effect on the inner state.

People who spoil the mood should be avoided.

Releasing thoughts of being overweight

If a woman is constantly thinking about how to lose excess weight, this thought becomes obsessive, often blocks weight loss or leads to anorexia.

It is important to learn not to think about extra pounds, but to learn to love yourself and increase self-esteem.

Losing weight is a long process, so it is recommended to psychologically adjust for long work.

Special motivation for young girls and women of age

At each age, in addition to the above motivations, there are certain goals that help to progress and solve the problem of excess weight:

  • Meet love.For young girls, a strong motivation is to meet a man, possibly a future husband. Appearance plays an important role in meeting new people, so you must try to look good in every situation.
  • Find a prestigious job or move to a higher position.When hiring, a fit body will be a plus, especially since most bosses are actively involved in sports and require it of their subordinates. Awareness of one's beauty and harmony gives a person self-confidence, and this is immediately felt when communicating with him, in conversation, etc.
  • Improve health.Proper nutrition and sports are necessary not only for a beautiful figure, but also for the prevention of various diseases. This especially refers to diseases of the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal system, which occur in women after the age of 45.